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Author: gajraji

TV Ke Uss Paar

A spoof on four popular shows that the protagonist Madhu, an avid television soap watcher, faithfully follows and lives out. She mixes the fiction in the shows with the reality of her life. She lives these characters, becoming obsessively involved with them and tries to shape their destinies. Madhu’s obsession with the plot line of the characters is underscored by the fact that she wants to make Boki Bahu in one of the shows, her real bahu.
Telecast on Zindagi, 2016

Once Upon A Star

HarperCollins India 2014

Simran, a former actress is out of shape and down in the dumps. Her in-laws dote on her but can’t seem to dissuade their son from spending his days and nights with Sia. Their only daughter Ashima has walked out of an unhappy marriage and returned home… to be an actor. Once Upon A Star is a compelling saga of love and betrayal in the world of Cinema.

And Now-the Art Of Dying – Mumbai Mirror 2010

And Now-the Art Of Dying – Mumbai Mirror 2010 For twenty-five years now, the Indian chapter of the Society for the Right to Die with Dignity has been struggling to get legal recognition to its “Living Will” or “ Ichchaa Maran “ of an individual.

Balika Vadhu Musings – Rediff 2016

Balika Vadhu Musings – Rediff 2016 I had always been a city girl, a sheher ki ladki. For me, the image of a Balika Vadhu was always that of the baby doll that I had dressed, rather overdressed like a dulhan, as a kid, fascinated

Broken Melodies

HarperCollins India 2012

Niyati’s world is clouded by parental conflict, the hypocrisies of a philandering musician father and the seething silences of her mother. Her only solace, Niyati’s touchstone for everything in life, is elder sister Nisha. Nisha remains the sole constant in Niyati’s life until a revelation sends her beliefs into a spin. Broken Melodies is as much about a troubled childhood in a broken household as it is about chasing happiness and restoring beauty to one’s life.

बिखरॆ सुर

HarperCollins India 2015

नियति का मन अनगिनत सपनों और आशाओं से भरा है। लेकिन एक टूटते हुए घर में बड़ा होना दिन-ब-दिन मुश्किल होता जा रहा है। उसके दिन घुटते हैं व्यभिचारी पिता के ढ़़ोंग, माँ की खौलती ख़ामोशियों और निजी अनिश्चितता के सायों तले जहाँ अपने पड़ोसी ढीठ चंदन की उपिस्थिति उसे परेशान करती है| दस साल बड़ी निशा उसके जीवन का पारस पत्थर है। पर निशा के एक राज़ के खुलते ही नियति का विश्वास पलट जाता हैे और वह निकल पड़ती है अपने आप को ढ़ूँढने। बिखरे सुर हमारी जि़न्दगियों में खूबसूरती की तलाश की एक बेहद संवेदनशील कहानी है।

कोरा कागज़

Prabhat Prakashan 2013

जीवन तो कोरा कागज है। चाहें तो इसमें खुशियों की कविता लिखें या लिख दें दुःखों के गीत। और अकसर ऐसा भी होता है कि एक अधूरी कविता को पूरा करने के लिए बस जरूरत होती है तो उस एक शख्स की, जो पन्ना पलटने की काबिलियत रखता हो।
घर वह एक ही था, पर उसके एक सिरे में प्रेम-बंधन आखिरी साँसें ले रहा था तो दूसरे सिरे में एक दोस्ती प्रेम की सीढ़ी चढ़ने को आतुर थी।
क्या माँ-बाप के बिखरते रिश्ते की निराशा निष्ठा के प्रेम को ग्रहण लगा देगी? या फिर उसका वह नया सकारात्मक जुड़ाव ही उसके टूटते परिवार के रिश्तों में आस्था लौटाएगा?

The Last Laugh

Jaico Publishing House 2005
This collection of short stories is inspired by the ‘twist-in-the tail’ style of Roald Dahl, though the tales are not as macabre! They are a delightful mix. A new bride’s fantasy, the existential frustrations of a crusader’s wife, the dilemma of a chic MBA in publicly recognising her homespun parents, an award-winning journalist who finds her campaign gone awry…these are some of the experiences encountered by the protagonists in these stories.

Fragile Victories

Har-Anand 1996

A collection of 12 women-centred short stories that detail these women’s distinctive orientations and philosophies. They cover the entire spectrum of human emotion; from revenge to repentance, strength to vulnerability, optimism to bitterness, dreams to reality and victory to defeat. And in the process of arriving, the protagonists meander through journeys of self-discovery. Whether these women won or lost, depends on your perception.